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The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. Uniform and equipment
  3. Reception and Primary Uniform

Reception and Primary Uniform

As seasons change, the uniform changes.  In September until October ½ term the children can wear either their Summer or Winter uniform (weather dependent). Winter uniform is compulsory from after the October half term until the end of the Easter break, and Summer uniform is optional from after the Easter holidays for the duration of the summer term. Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

*starred items have a logo and can be ordered from our uniform supplier (please use our contact form to request a link to purchase uniform)

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Uniform (optional for Nursery)

Girls' winter uniform (October half term to Easter holidays)

  • Pale blue polo shirt (no logo)
  • Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • Grey tights or white socks

Boys' winter uniform (October half term to Easter holidays)

  • Pale blue polo shirt (no logo)
  • Grey trousers
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt with logo
  • Grey socks

Girls' summer uniform (Optional from Easter to October half term)

  • Light blue gingham dress (optional blue or white cycling shorts underneath)
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • White long or short socks

Boys' summer uniform (Optional from Easter to October half term)

  • Pale blue polo shirt (no logo)
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt with logo
  • Grey socks 

Everyone all year

  • Black shoes (leather or vegan leather - not boots or sandals)

PE kit (Reception only need this in the summer term)

  • *Royal blue/black short sleeved sports top
  • Black leggings, joggers or shorts
  • Trainers with no laces
  • Plain white short socks
  • Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can wear their normal school sweatshirt or cardigan for PE

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 Uniform

Girls' winter uniform (October half term to Easter holidays)

  • White shirt
  • School tie (from Office)
  • Grey skirt or trousers
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • Grey tights or white socks

Boys' winter uniform (October half term to Easter holidays)

  • White shirt
  • School tie (from Office)
  • Grey trousers
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt with logo
  • Grey socks

Girls' summer uniform (Easter to October half term)

  • Light blue gingham dress (optional blue or white cycling shorts underneath)
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • White long or short socks

Boys' summer uniform (Easter to October half term)

  • White shirt with short sleeves
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • *Ocean blue v-necked sweatshirt with logo
  • School tie (from Office)
  • Grey socks 

Everyone all year

  • Black shoes (leather or vegan leather - not boots or sandals)

Girls' PE kit

  • *Royal blue/black short sleeved sports top
  • Black leggings, joggers, shorts (loose-fitting) or skorts
  • Trainers
  • Royal blue sports/football socks (optional short white socks in the summer term)
  • * Round-necked PE sweatshirt with logo
  • Shin pads & Football boots - no metal studs (Autumn and Spring Term)

Boys' PE kit

  • *Royal blue/black short sleeved sports top
  • Black joggers or shorts (loose-fitting)
  • Trainers
  • Royal blue sports/football socks (optional short white socks in the summer term)
  • * Round-necked PE sweatshirt with logo
  • Shin pads & Football boots - no metal studs (Autumn and Spring Term)


  • Hats (for cold weather or to protect from the sun)
  • Coats (for warmth and/or to keep rain out)
  • Gloves should be sent in with children as appropriate for the weather, as we expect children to go outside as much as possible


  • We ask that all children have a backpack, lunch box/bag and water bottle.
  • Nursery-Year 4: Any royal blue bookbag big enough for A4
  • Year 1-6: Outdoor learning kit when requested - wellies, waterproof trousers & warm clothes/coat.
  • Year 3-6: A painting apron with elasticated cuffs.
  • Children are welcome to bring pencil cases with pens, crayons, pencils and so on to school, although we provide and keep at school all the stationery they will need to complete their lessons

Hair, Nails and Ears

We expect hair to be a single natural colour, neat and tidy; long hair must be tied back with black or blue hair bands, bobbles or clips.

We expect pupils with pierced ears to wear plain gold or silver studs (thereby keeping the one hole per ear, open). From primary school onward these will be covered with micropore tape or taken out when necessary, during games lessons.

It is important that nails are kept short and clean, and we expect no nail varnish to be worn.

Make up

Make up is prohibited in school, except very discreet make up may be worn in Year 10 and 11. Pupils with indiscreet makeup will be required to remove it before joining lessons.


No rings, bracelets or necklaces are to be worn. No smart watches (ie. Enabled by android or ios) are to be worn


Health requirements, eczema or diabetes for example, will be considered a reason for allowing adaptations to uniform in specific cases.