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The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. The school day

The school day

Parents are entirely responsible for the welfare and transport of their children until they are taken into the responsibility of the school staff.

Early Years

Our nursery and reception area opens at 8.50am.  Early Years sessions end at 11.50am or 12.50pm (for Nursery children not staying all day), and 3.20pm in the afternoon. Nursery is closed on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon. There is no Reception on a Wednesday.  See specific and detailed information on the Early Years page.


The school opens to Y1-Y11 at 8.30am. Pupils should not arrive unaccompanied before this time on the school premises. The school staff oversee the pupils as they arrive until registration at 8.45.

Pupils in primary go to the primary playground, having entered by the main door of the Newland building.

The primary school day ends at 3.25pm, except for Y1 and Y2 on a Wednesday when they finish at 12. Primary school pupils are normally dismissed from their nearest classroom exit. Adults collecting pupils should be waiting outside the classrooms, in the external corridor between the two buildings. The pupils will be handed over to you by a teacher on your arrival.

Pupils should have left the building and grounds by 3.45, and should not play on the site.


The school opens to Y1-Y11 at 8.30am. Pupils should not arrive unaccompanied before this time on the school premises. The school staff oversee the pupils as they arrive until registration at 8.45. Pupils in secondary enter through the main door of the Windrush building.

Secondary pupils should wait quietly in their classrooms, go outside to the playground, or wait in the school corridor.

The secondary school day ends at 3.35pm, and pupils should have left the building and grounds by 3.45pm.

Break and Lunchtimes

We encourage all of our children to have time outdoors each day at break and lunchtimes. Please refer to the uniform list regarding suitable clothing.

Your child must bring a healthy snack (provided in Early Years), packed lunch and a named reusable water bottle to school for each day.

Early Years and Year and 2 are nut-free zones. Also family group lunches are nut-free.

Collecting pupils

Pupils in Primary should be collected by a parent or carer at the end of the day.   Primary pupils may be collected at the end of the school day by older siblings in Secondary or family friends or relatives with written consent from parents or carers.  Parents who feel that their Year 6 child is ready to walk home from school unaccompanied can also put this in writing.  In each of these instances, written consent should be made to the Head of Primary and the class teacher.  We will not be able to release pupils at the end of the day to anyone other than parents or carers without prior consent.

We would request that no children below year 6 walk to or from school unaccompanied.  In England there is no legal age limit on children walking independently to or from school, however as a school we carefully consider the safety and welfare of our pupils. We also have a duty to report any safeguarding issues that arise to the correct authorities.

If a pupil Year 6 or above is walking to or from school independently we would like to remind parents to carefully consider the risks involved with their journey and teach their children:

  • How to cross roads safely (look both ways, use designated crossings where possible, avoid crossing near parked cars, stay in well-lit areas).
  • To walk on the pavement away from the edge of the road and be mindful of traffic hazards (including bikes and driveways).
  • To be mindful of others and NEVER go anywhere with someone who is not a ‘safe’ adult (a ‘safe’ adult can be a list made by the family of trusted family members / friends/ neighbours).
  • Please also bear in mind weather conditions and visibility before allowing your child to walk independently to or from school.