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Welcome to

The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. Enrichment


Houses and house points

All pupils in Primary and Secondary school will be adopted into one of our ‘houses’. In Primary, house points that are awarded for achievement and behaviour are allocated to each house. In Secondary, pupils receive commendations for achievement and character, and are entered into termly prize draws. Houses compete against one another on sports days and it is one way that we enable our pupils to mix with children from other year groups. The houses are Red, Blue and Yellow.

School councils

Both Primary and Secondary have school councilswhere representatives from each class can contribute to the running of the school. The school councillors are elected each year and councillors are expected to attend regular meetings with staff.

Educational visits

School trips and visits are an integral part of the education of children at this school. We value the opportunities such visits offer our pupils and the commitment of staff and adults undertaking them. Trips include class visits aimed at bringing learning alive and providing first-hand experience; extra-curricular outings such as sporting events; and attending or taking part in competitions.

Trips are planned to provide new and exciting experiences. We also invite speakers to school from Oxfordshire Museums as well as an annual visit for our Stepping Stones children from some local owls!

The school office will handle permissions, communications and the payment of school visits. We will give as much notice as possible, and the organising teacher will send letters of communication by e-mail from the office.

Common educational visits and trips include:

    • Y11 Residential

    • GCSE field trips for Drama, English, Geography

    • Secondary visits to France or Germany

    • Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme

    • Y7 visit to Warwick Castle

    • Upper KS2 residential visit to Youlbury

    • Topic related visits to museums and parks

    • Stepping Stones visits to local animal parks or farms

    • Visits where the community is served (Nursing homes, working with local charities)

    • Work experience (organised by parents)

    • Sporting competitions

    • Early Years trips to Cotswold Wildlife Park, farms, the library and fire station

    Payments to the school

    Payments to the school can be made by cash or cheque, but ideally through bank transfer.

    Sort Code: 20 97 48
    Account Number: 20679852
    Oxfordshire Community Churches The King’s School (Oxon Com Ch King Sch)

    We would be very grateful if the reference on the transfer refers to the item being paid for.

    Music lessons

    Currently TKS has two regular peripatetic music teachers who come into the school each week. Mrs McKendrick teaches piano and flute, and Mrs Beese teaches guitar and singing. Please contact the school office if you would like to find out about lessons with either of these teachers.

    Y9 options and GCSEs

    During the spring term of Y9, pupils begin choosing the subjects they will take for GCSE. All our pupils take Maths, English, Science and Religious Studies. Parents and children will have an opportunity to discuss options at parents’ meetings and staff are always happy to answer any questions you may have.


    Assemblies are an important part of school life at TKS. We welcome speakers to come to both our primary and secondary school assemblies and each assembly includes a time of singing. Children contribute regularly to assemblies, sharing their gifts for leading worship, praying or with drama.