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The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. Communications


How to get in touch

Wherever possible we like to communicate face-to face. This is the most common and preferred method, and builds relationship between communicating parties, which is essential for us in the Christian community we seek to build. Please do pop in at the start or end of the day, or make an appointment where a longer conversation is needed. You are welcome to speak to the member of staff on the door who may be able find a specific member of staff if you have an immediate question or concern. Alternatively, the office staff are happy to help you arrange an appointment with a member of staff when necessary.

Where face-to-face communication is not possible, we are happy to have phone calls to the school. However, we ask that you do not telephone teachers or staff on their home or personal mobile numbers, but call the office on 01993 778463, so you can be put through to the relevant member of staff during school working hours. Telephone calls carry a tone of voice that written communication does not, and we strongly advise that where a significant discussion needs to occur this is done face-to-face or by telephone and not by email. Please make sure the office has all of your relevant numbers.

Should written communication by email be necessary from either party, this can work well where there are simple issues of factual communication. Email does not carry the tone of voice, so we are aware that exclamation marks and use of strong language may not properly convey what is in the heart. We strongly advise verbal communication for issues involving any level of emotion. Email should be used to make appointments for face-to-face meetings or to arrange telephone communications. Much school administration is now done by email, rather than through paper documents, so please make sure the school is aware of your relevant email address. The office email is and staff have the email template of

Information newsletter

One of the main ways that we communicate about news and events is our weekly term-time newsletter to parents. Please do read this thoroughly when it is emailed each week. Primary Class Teachers also send out weekly emails containing important information relevant to each class. Secondary Pupils all have access to Microsoft Teams where they are able to view homework that has been set and communicate with teachers.

Concerns and complaints

We believe that most complaints are made constructively and can be sorted out at an early stage. Concerns are taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way that respects confidentiality. If you are uneasy about anything that takes place at TKS, you should first talk it over with your child’s class teacher or the subject teacher in question. We do urge you to talk to a staff member about any concerns you have at the earliest opportunity. Following this, pleases speak to the relevant Head of Early Years, Primary or Secondary to discuss any concerns or complaints you have. Full details of our complaints process can be found in the Complaints Policy.