Join the team at TKS - Maths Teacher/s needed
Welcome to

The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. Helping in school

Helping in school

All parents, past parents, grandparents and local churches are warmly welcomed into the school community, and we encourage every family to volunteer in the school.

Ways you could get involved:

  • Listening to children read or help in the class

  • Gardening or site maintenance

  • PR and marketing

  • Giving talks in assemblies

  • Helping on school trips

  • Making cakes or helping with events

  • Fundraising events / Friends of The King’s School

If you can help in any way, please tell the office

Please note that if your volunteering role is working with the children we will need you to complete an enhanced DBS check as well as other safeguarding and compliance checks. A member of the office staff will take you through the process to make this as straightforward as possible for you.