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The King's School

  1. Parents
  2. Partnership agreement

Partnership agreement

The partnership that the school has with parents is crucial to our mission and this agreement seeks to set out some of the key elements of what that partnership means at TKS.  This agreement, that is signed when a family joins us, holds both the school and parents to account, as we honour God through our discipling of each child. 

The parents

By enrolling my child in The King’s School, I commit myself to:

  • Be in sympathy with the school's vision, missions and philosophy.
  • Understand that it is primarily the responsibility of parents to provide for their child’s education, but I am delegating to the School a partnership role in this process.
  • Ensure that my child is respectful of, and obedient to, School staff, volunteers and visitors to the School at all times; and that they comply with the School uniform requirements.
  • Stand with School staff on matters of discipline, including:
    • agreeing to meet with staff, wherever necessary, should there be a need to discuss my child’s behaviour;
    • recognising that, from time to time, children take issue with actions with which they do not agree and that they are prone to protect and justify themselves; therefore accepting the importance of not, in the first instance, supporting the criticism, but of supporting the authority of the School staff until matters can be clarified through direct contact with the teacher concerned or the Head;
    • co-operating with staff should my child need to be given a detention or excluded from school for disciplinary reasons, to ensure the process is both effective and redemptive.
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect.
  • Communicate to the school respectfully any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn, making sure that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff.
  • Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours, and although they may at times respond outside of those hours, I can’t always expect that.
  • Pay for all fees and seek to support the School in every way I can.

Signed (Parent/Carer):

Signed _______________________(Parent/Carer)    Date _________

Signed _______________________(Parent/Carer)    Date _________

In accepting your child into The King’s School, the School commits itself to:

  • Provide the very best education that it is able to for your child, relevant to his or her age and abilities.
  • Care for your child’s wellbeing and safety, both practically and pastorally, by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment.
  • Develop your child spiritually through encouraging personal faith in Jesus Christ and a mind-set and lifestyle that reflects this.
  • Teach from the Bible and developing your child’s understanding of who God is and what He has done, alongside times of prayer and opportunities to worship God.
  • Promote high standards of behaviour, and outline clear expectations in our behaviour policy so we can maintain a safe environment for all children, and to help develop the very best of her or his character.
  • Communicate any concerns about your child’s attendance, behaviour, education or wellbeing with you as their parent or carer, and respond to any concerns from your child or from parents and carers.
  • Work in partnership with parents to the best of our ability to bring all this about.

Signed (School):

Signed _________________________(Principal)    Date ____________