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The King's School

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  3. Early Years

Early Years

Putting in the right foundation during the early years of a child’s development and education provides them with a launchpad for life. We offer a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children in our Nursery and Reception classes.

Each child is seen as precious to God, made in his image, and having their own set of gifts, abilities and interests.  Our aim is for children to be confident, eager learners who love coming to school.

We welcome applications for children to join us from the start of the term in which they turn three onwards. Please apply as soon as possible to secure your place.

Our dedicated Early Years staff team are passionate about helping children to grow in their love of God, their understanding of the Bible and Christ-like character.  We encourage children to:

  • pray for one other and our world
  • worship our Heavenly Father through music, song, movement and dance
  • take part in various fun, Bible-based activities
  • bless those around us with good behaviour

We support children to reach their Early Learning Goals through planned, purposeful play, and believe in following children’s interests as well as opening up new horizons to them. We offer a balance of adult led group times and unhurried free play both indoors and outdoors.

Reception children have a slightly more structured routine than Nursery children, with daily Phonics and Maths sessions in the morning, and in the afternoon Bible time, music, PE, outdoor learning, or activities related to the current topic.  Nursery children also have group times at various points.  Each session includes a story time, and a morning and afternoon snack for all children.

Our approach to learning ignites children’s curiosity and enthusiasm in the following prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage:

  • Communication and language skills

  • Physical development

  • Personal, social, and emotional competencies

We also start the foundations for specific skills and knowledge in:

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design

You can find information about fees and free childcare funding on our fees page.

Nursery is closed on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon and Reception children are not in on a Wednesday.

Please contact us to find out more about Early Years at The King’s School and to arrange a visit.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6